・Appreciate that dierent viewpoints on sustainability exist, including those held by business and other stakeholder groups.・Discuss sustainability issues with others.Sustainability is of course, a rather large issue and how to pack it into a single course is the rst challenge! After much research and consultation with teachers from other universities in the UK, we developed the course structure in Figure 2 (Norton, 2010a; Norton, 2012). It starts by tracing environmental problems since the 1950s which led to growing concerns over environmental sustainability, initial responses through developing regulations and principles, and how despite these, continued growth of population and economic consumption have led to the current global scale of pollution problems and resource depletion. Social issues of poverty, inequality, literacy and health combined with these environmental issues to give the initial concept of ‘Sustainable Development’ (SD) which emerged from the Brundtland Report in 1987 (WCED, 1987). The course then reviews how SD has developed, and examines global issues of biodiversity, climate change, resource depletion, population growth, economic imbalances within and between societies, poverty, etc. It then focuses in more detail on the critical environmental sustainability challenge of global warming/ climate change, reviews the basic economic and market failures which have led to current unsustainable trends, and reviews some of the alternative approaches to economic indicators and measures of success, and 53