TABLE 2 OBJECTIVES OF THE TWO SUSTAINABILITY COURSE MODULES ObjectiveCourse components at SUComponents at TUTo provide understanding of and motivation towards tackling environmental problems and the theme of sustainable development.The ‘sustainability foundations’ course brings the necessary cross-disciplinary approach, which provides a ‘birds-eye-view’ on the challenges of sustainable development, and experience in solving environmental problems in particular. Same course content and objectivesTo strengthen abilities to see sustainability from a business perspective and as an opportunity for new products or services.The ‘business and sustainability’ module looks at how companies can respond to sustainability challenges in terms of making their operations more sustainable, reporting and communicating their sustainability performance, and in examining sustainability issues as potential opportunities for sustainability-oriented goods or services.The same learning objectives, but the course has to be adapted to students with no business experience.What can we learn about the challenges of EL training in graduate schools through this experience?In the Sustainability Foundations Course, targets were to enable graduates to:・Understand sustainability issues and the key concepts contained therein.52