Humanities and Social Sciences

There are plenty of opportunities at practical training facilities, such as local primary schools and Shinshu University Hospital, where I can acquire a wide range of knowledge (educational, medical, welfare and judicial). This has helped me think about my future and where I want to work. I also feel that everything in my life has become more meaningful. I enjoy playing games and have discovered that this, too, is valuable when working with children.FAQ for Division of Psychology (Japanese)Program Overview Japanese)Nishi-nagano 6-ro, Nagano, 380-8544, JapanTEL 81262384041 FAX 81262320775 E-Mail, Cognitive and Human Sciences AreaI was a working adult but decided to enter graduate school and learn again. My classmates and professors were friendly and fun, and all the classes and research were fresh and intense experiences. Taking the time to organise and deepen one’s thoughts and experiences is challenging when too busy with work, so these two years were extremely valuable for me personally. What I learned here has also been helpful in my current job.Clinical Psychology CourseStudents’ voices

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