
・To study synapse function in mental disease model mice.・To elucidate the mechanism by which synaptogenic factors regulate synapse function.・To develop genome editing technology in neurons.・Etiology of mental disorders may be elucidated.・Novel drugs targeting synapse may be developed.・Gene therapy for mental disorders may be developed.Outlook for students after graduation ・Become a biomedical researcher. ・Work in foreign countries with foreign researchers. ・Become a faculty in universities or research institute.7Research subjectResearch subjectOutlook for researchOutlook for students after graduationOutlook for research・ Biological significance of LOX-1 gene family・ Screening of LOX-1 blocker to realize a novel therapeutics・ Development of novel diagnostic technologies for clinical application of our research・ Mechanism of ageing and ageing-related diseasesThe basic research has significance in itself, clarifying the mechanism of nature. Besides, important as well is the application of the novel knowledge and technologies to the future of medicine and people’s happiness. Our study is to contribute to medical diagnosis and therapeutics of lifestyle-related diseases, preventing ageing of vasculature and realizing healthy longevity. Participating in the research activity, students can learn what is to create medical value. The experience would be beneficial to contribute to create innovative products for medical diag-nosis and therapeutics. Deficiency of synaptogenic factor Neurexins (TKO) in mouse cerebellum results in cerebellar hypotrophyTransfection of genes in neurons in mouse brain.LOX-1 promotes each stage of arteriosclerotic disease.A gene expressing a fluorescent protein is intro-duced in neurons in mouse cerebral cortex Summary of ActivityOur goal is to elucidate the physiological, and pathophysiological mechanisms of vascular function and its disruption through investigating the biology of endotheli-al cells. In the process, we have found a key molecule, LOX-1, which might illustrate the pathophysiology of atherothrombotic disease. Since the vascular function is closely related to ageing-related malfunctioning of organs, the finding opened a new avenue for understanding ageing-related diseases. Based on the clues, we are developing novel diagnostic, preventive and therapeutic methods.Summary of ActivityIn our laboratory, we are studying functions of genes that regulate formation and function of synapse, a site connecting neurons each other in the brain. Recent years, impairment of synapse has been suggested to be a cause of neuropsy-chiatric disorders. We are trying to address questions; “how do those genes work in synapse?” and “how do they induce neuropsychiatric disorders?”, by using genetically engineered model mice. Our research will help advancing a development of new therapies for neuropsychiatric disorders.Molecular Pathophysiology(Chief: Prof. Tatsuya Sawamura)Molecular and Cellular (Chief: Prof. Katsuhiko Tabuchi)Physiology“A man is as old as his arteries”For prediction and prevention of atherosclerotic diseaseStudy of synapse genes to elucidate etiology of psychiatric disorders

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