
(Chief: Associate Prof. Kohei Johkura)(Chief: Prof. Nanae Fukushima)・ Functionally essential neuronal population・ Morphological and functional correlates of the various nervous system・ Functional regeneration of the central olfactory tract・ Functional regeneration of the peripheral nerve6Research subjectResearch subjectOutlook for students after graduationOutlook for researchOutlook for students after graduation・Creating Cancer Stem Cells by Reprogramming Technology ・Development and Regeneration of Kidney ・ Establishment of Disease Model with Patient Specific iPS Cells ・ Functional Analysis of Epigenetic Factors in Pluripotent Stem Cells To study the mechanism of carcinogenesis and develop therapeutic methods by repro-gramming cancer cells into cancer stem cells. To study the mechanisms that support the developmental competence of kidney germ tissues with the use of animal embryos. To elucidate the pathogenesis of Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, a kind of heterogeneous con-nective tissue disorder. We are studying why various cells maintain those different state of differentiation, even though they have the same genetic information.Outlook for researchThe promising field of Regenerative Medicine is to restore structure and function of damaged tissues and organs. It is also possible to find a way to cure aging and genetic diseases.Many graduates are doing research works in medical fields in Universities or private institu-tions.Recently, regenerative medicine is regarded as an effective method to repair nerve damage. It is very important to determine how many neurons or how many axon fibers are essential for maintaining the function. We aim to promote neuronal regeneration and functional recovery.In our laboratory, students can acquire the knowledge of neuroanatomy and skills of tech-niques for histochemical study. Additionally, they will acquire the problem solving ability that is useful after graduation. Human embryonic stem cells-derived cardiomyocytes characterized with specific structure and protein expressionUreteric buds induced from a mesone-phric duct by growth factorsCentral olfactory tract of rat brain.Projection neurons (upper left), myelinated fibers (lower left), and electron microscopic image of the tract (right).Neuromuscular junction of rat lower leg muscle.Axon terminals (left), acetylcholine receptors (middle), and merged image (right).CSC-like colony reprogrammed from reti-noblastoma cancer cells (RBC51)Summary of ActivityBy using pluripotent stem cells which can give rise to almost any cell type with special function, it is possible to cure previously untreatable injuries and dis-eases. For instance, differentiating stem cells into specialized cells with special function and implanting them when the damaged cells cannot heal itself, or even creating a complete organ in the lab and translanting them to replace a damaged organ.We are promoting researches about stem cells which hold promise for treating previously incurable diseases.Summary of ActivityThe purpose of our study is to clarify functional roles of the brain and the ner-vous system on a neuroanatomical basis. Projects are underway to reveal the functionally essential neuronal population (minimum neuron number related to a specific function) and to promote the neural and axonal regeneration in the central and peripheral nervous system. Additionally, quantification of the whole number of specific neurons is estimated by reliable stereological techniques.Histology and EmbryologyAnatomyDifferentiation, Regeneration and OncogenesisToward functional regeneration of damaged brain and injured peripheral nerve

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