
34Development specimen of retina of RAMP knockout mouseThe blood vessels are reflected in the green A fine blood vessel is very mysteriousResearch subject・Study on the influence of adrenomedullin and its family peptides on the mouse retinal  dieases・Study of ophthalmic imaging and treatment outcomes in the clinical settingOutlook for researchResearch subjectOutlook for students after graduationOutlook for research1. Study on the protection and treatment of the cochlear nerve by DDS via cochlear implant2. Development of database for diagnosis and treatment of otological diseases and development of novel AI diagno sis and analysis system3. Elucidation of pathogenesis and development of novel gene therapy for human hereditary hearing loss models4. Elucidation of factors and mechanisms of vestibular damage caused by progressive hearing loss5. Analysis of the microenvironment of head and neck cancer by gene expression analysis6. Study on the efficacy of cancer rehabilitation in patients with head and neck cancer7. A study on the diversity and regional characteristics of airborne pollen in Nagano PrefectureNo single fundamental treatment for hearing loss has yet been found.However, research in our department has led to the discovery of new therapeutic models for otological diseases, which may help many patients with hearing loss in the future. In addition, the discovery of new therapeutic targets for head and neck cancer could greatly improve cancer treatment.We want to develop further applications of our results andexplore new treatment methods.Outlook for students after graduationYou will be able to continue your research while continuing your clinical studies at theuniversity hospital. You can also study abroad or develop your research at domestic research facilities, and the department will actively support you.With the aging of society, eye diseases such as diabetic retinopathy and age-related macular degeneration are expected to increase.There are already several treatments for these diseases, but in the future, adrenomedullin may become one of the treatments!After graduation, some continue to work as ophthalmologists in our hospital, while others concentrate on clinical practice.Others work at other general hospitals or open their clinics.A new blood vessel diluted with special liquid. The size changes depending on whether adrenomedullin works or does not work ...Study on the protection and treatment of cochlear nerve by DDS via cochlear implantLaser deviceAnalysis of the microenvironment of head and neck cancer by gene expression analysisMembers of the Department of Otolaryngology - Head and Neck SurgeryElucidation of pathogenesis and development of novel gene therapy for human hereditary hearing loss modelsEMBO pressSummary of ActivityWe are conducting both basic and clinical research. There is a substance in the body called adrenomedullin that dilates blood vessels, and recently it has been pointed out that adrenomedullin may improve retinal diseases.We are studying the effects of adrenomedullin on the eye. At the same time, we are analyzing data obtained in clinical settings to generate new findings.Summary of ActivityThe Department of Otolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery deals with most of the sensory organs such as hearing, balance, smell, and taste. Of these, hearing is the most important communication tool for humans, and its impairment can greatly reduce Quality of Life (QOL). In our department, we are conducting research on the mechanism of hearing loss and new treatment methods.The head and neck region, which includes the nasal cavity, oral cavity, tongue, pharynx, larynx, and cervical esophagus, controls important functions for human life such as olfaction, feeding, swallowing, and voice. Cancers that develop in each of these regions can greatly reduce QOL and even be fatal. We are conducting research to identify new therapeutic targets for head and neck cancers based on gene expression.Future eye remedies? "Adrenomedullin"Towards a new diagnosis and treatment of otological diseases and head and neck cancer!Ophthalmology(Chief: Prof. Toshinori Murata)Otorhinolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery(Chief: Prof. Yutaka TAKUMI)

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