
・ Clipping surgery for internal carotid artery aneurysm ・ Revascularization for acute ischemic stroke ・ Development of new surgical approaches ・ Development of new surgical approaches ・ Innovation of cosmetic craniotomy ・ Preventative tactics of cerebrospinal leakage 30Research subjectResearch subjectOutlook for researchOutlook for students after graduationOutlook for researchOutlook for students after graduationThere are two kinds of treatments for stroke. One is the direct surgery. The other one is the endovascular surgery. Both treatments are important. Direct surgery will be further developed due to advanced neuroimaging and instruments. This laboratory rears vascular neurosurgeons.Many patients have been involved in stroke. Therefore, basic knowledges of stroke are very useful for medical doctors especially for neurologist, emergency physician, and psychiatrist.Radiation and/or chemotherapy are not an effective treatment for the intracranial benign tumor. Therefore, direct surgical removal is essential for the benign tumor. Surgical treatment will be more established due to neuroimaging and instruments. This laboratory rears neuro-surgeon and neuroscientist.There are many variations of the intracranial benign tumor. You can have a pleasant experi-ence on your training. Basic knowledges of the intracranial benign tumor are very useful for general neurosurgeon.This figure indicating the cover of Journal of Neurosurgery. Paraclinoid aneurysm is one of our interesting topics .The left paraclinoid aneurysm before clip-pingMeningiomas originate from many regions and involve important nerves and blood vessels.Clinoidal meningioma before surgeryThe left paraclinoid aneurysm after clip-ping Clinoidal meningioma after surgeryCerebrovascular NeurosurgeryCerebrovascular Neurosurgery((Chief: Senior Assistant Prof. Yoshiki HanaokaChief: Senior Assistant Prof. Yoshiki Hanaoka))Summary of ActivityCerebrovascular disorder is a disease that was previously known as stroke. Stroke suddenly induces speech disturbance, hemiparesis, cognitive dysfunction, etc. It divides into two groups (ischemic and hemorrhagic types). In our laboratory, we are energetically researching & developing surgical treat-ment methods to reduce the morbidity & mortality that attribute to cerebrovascu-lar disorders. We are focused on aneurysm clipping and open embolectomy.Summary of ActivityThe intracranial benign tumor varied in individuals. Tailor-made surgical strategy especially in approach is necessary for surgical treatment. For meningioma, the surgical risks depend on the tumor location, consistency, and vascularity. We innovate new surgical approachs and instruments to main-tain neurological functions. Vascular surgery is the basic and important subspecialtyBenign brain tumor can be cured with direct surgeryNeurosurgeryNeurosurgeryExtraaxial brain tumorExtraaxial brain tumor((Chief: Senior Assistant Prof. Kohei KanayaChief: Senior Assistant Prof. Kohei Kanaya))

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