
○C細萱博信秋冬6 Throughout its 20-year history, this music festival, held in August and September, has been a major event in the diary of classical music fans from all over Japan. The internationally renowned conductor Seiji Ozawa is the general director, presiding over a varied program of orchestral and chamber music as well as opera performed by world-class musicians. 松本市で20年余り続いている音楽祭で、総監督は小澤征爾さんが務めます。毎年8月から9月にかけて、オーケストラとオペラを中心に様々なコンサートが開かれます。後期Nov.11月Dec.12月Late Dec.-Early Jan. Winter Holiday12月下旬~1月上旬冬季休業Jan.1月Late Jan.-Early Feb. Fall Semester Examinations1月下旬~2月上旬後期試験 Taking advantage of the winter climate where temperatures are below freezing, this festival takes place in Matsumoto Castle Park in January. The ice sculptures carved skillfully emerge fantastically in the dark night. 気温が氷点下になる松本の気候を利用して、1月後半に松本城二の丸庭園で氷の彫刻を競います。 In October, in a popular celebration of the buckwheat harvest, a large number of soba shops from Nagano and the surrounding area set up stalls in the grounds of Matsumoto Castle, where thousands of visitors gather to enjoy the new season’s noodles and other local foods. 蕎麦の収穫時期に合わせて、毎年10月に松本城を会場に開かれ、県内外から自慢のそば店が出店します。Feb.2月Early Feb.-Early Apr. Spring Holiday2月上旬~4月上旬春季休業 The Tomyo Festival is held in early February in commemoration of the 1998 Nagano Olympic Games. As a way of passing the Olympic spirit to future generations, countless lights glow as a symbol of world peace. (Approx. 1 hour from Matsumoto station by train.) 毎年2月上旬に開催される長野灯明まつりは、長野オリンピックの開催を記念して始まった祭りです。オリンピックの平和を願う精神を後世に遺してゆくため、世界に向けて平和の灯りを力強く発信しています。Mar.3月Late Mar.Graduation Ceremony3月下旬卒業式Seiji Ozawa Matsumoto Festivalセイジ・オザワ松本フェスティバルOct.10月Late Sep.Classes Begin9月下旬後期授業開始Matsumoto Castle Ice Sculpture Festival氷彫フェスティバルShinshu Matsumoto Soba (buckwheat noodles) Festival信州・松本そば祭りNagano Tomyo (Lantern) Festival長野灯明まつりFall Semester AutumnWinter

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