
信州の“むかし”に触れる蔵造りの建物が並ぶ松本らしい通りで、観光客にも人気です。Tsumago-Juku妻籠宿 Tsumago-Juku was one of the posting stations on the Nakasendo, a main road during the Edo Period. Streetscape with the atmosphere of that era still remains today. The approximately 8km road to the adjacent posting station at Magome-Juku is a popular trekking course. (Approx. 3 hours from Matsumoto by train.)江戸時代の主要街道である中山道の宿場の1つで、今なお当時の面影を残した町並みが残っています。約8kmに渡る隣の馬籠宿までの通りは、人気のトレッキングコースです。Nawate Street縄手通り Both tourists and local people are drawn to the Samurai-era atmosphere of Nawate Street in Matsumoto City, also known as Frog Street, with its traditional food stalls, antique shops and lots of frog souvenirs.小さな飲食店や花屋、おもちゃ屋などが並ぶ昔風の商店街です。Tsumago-Juku妻籠宿Nawate Street縄手通り絵画のような景色と出遭うHakuba白馬Azumino安曇野Mt.Kiso-KomagatakeMt.Kiso-Komagatake木曽駒ヶ岳木曽駒ヶ岳Encounters with Picturesque Scenery4Kamikochi上高地Karuizawa軽井沢Get in touch with Shinshu’s PastNakamachi Street中町通り If you want to know what Matsumoto was like in the old days, go for a walk down Nakamachi Street. Everywhere you look you will see the characteristic black-and-white, criss-cross-patterned walls of traditional storehouses. Nowadays, Nakamachi is a popular shopping area with cafés, soba restaurants and many handicraft shops.

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