
Architecture50505151For Efficient use of Energy and Energy ConservationEco-Friendly Hydraulic Turbines Toward Sustainable DevelopmentGoalsStructural Design for Safety, Reliability, and Adaptability525253535454555556565757585859From Architecture to Urban, the Possibility of a Design596060Capturing ʻCoherent Structuresʼ in Turbulence by MEMS SensorsRobots with Intelligence! Toward beneficial autonomous systemsNumerical Simulation of Microfluidics (Multiphase Flow)Advanced Robotics Based on New Modeling & Control PrincipleNumerical Simulation of Complex Fluid Flows in Daily LifeRealization of Intelligent Sensing Systems that can think abouttheir Own PerformanceDevelopment of Materials Useful in the Fields of Medicine andWelfareSolid Mechanics on Nanometre-scale Materials using AtomicSimulationsImproving the Reliability of Power Plant MaterialsDesigning New Functional Devices through Topology OptimizationNumerical Simulations of Flows using high performance computingWhere do the vortices come from? Why do they collapse?System Analysis for Control and Its ApplicationsThe Most Efficient Home Heating and Cooling Equipment thatSignificantly Reduces CO2 EmissionsIntegration of the Old and New in Historic EnvironmentTheory and Practice of Spatial DesignResearch for “Natural Environment and a House" in NaganoStructural Analysis and Conservation of Historical ConstructionsKimitoshi YamazakiMasato YoshinoTatsunori AsaokaShouichiro IioMasaki KameyamaSatoru SakaiKosuke SuzukiJun-ya TakayamaMasaomi NishimuraLi-Bin NiuGaruda FujiiTakashi YoshidaKentaro KatoMasaya TanemuraHideki TakamuraMikiko TerauchiKosuke HatoKazuhiro IwaiYohei EndoMasaharu MatsubaraNoboru NakayamaToshikazu TsuchimotoContents

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