
31沿 革History昭和19年3月松本医学専門学校設置Mar. 1944Matsumoto Medical College was founded.昭和20年6月長野県からの寄付により市立松本病院(鷹匠町)を松本医学専門学校附属医院として開院、内科、外科、産婦人科、皮膚泌尿器科、眼科、耳鼻咽喉科、小児科、物療科を置く市立松本病院附設看護婦講習所も同時に移管Jun. 1945Matsumoto City Hospital was transferred by a donation from Nagano Prefecture transformed into the Matsumoto Medical College Hospital. In Matsumoto Medical College Hospital, Departments of Internal Medicine, Surgery, Obstetrics-Gynecology, Dermatology, Ophthalmology, Otorhinolaryngology, Pediatrics and Physiotherapy were established.Matsumoto City Hospital Training School of Nurses was also transferred to Matsumoto Medical College Hospital.昭和23年2月松本医科大学設置Feb. 1948Matsumoto Medical School was established.昭和24年5月国立学校設置法の施行により信州大学が設置され、松本医学専門学校及び松本医科大学は信州大学に包括された松本医学専門学校附属医院を信州大学医学部附属病院に改称May 1949With the enactment of the National School Establisment Law, the school of Medicine of Shinshu University was established, incorporating Matsumoto Medical College and Matsumoto Medical School. Matsumoto Medical College Hospital was renamed Shinshu University Hospital.昭和25年3月第二外科及び神経科設置Mar. 1950The Second Department of Surgery and Neurology were established.昭和26年4月第二内科及び放射線科増設、物療科を中央レントゲン部と物療室に分離Apr. 1951The Second Department of Internal Medicine and Radiology Department were established. Physiotherapy was divided into the Radiology Center and Physiotherapy.昭和28年8月眼科及び耳鼻咽喉科を旭町構内に移転Aug. 1953Ophthalmology and Otohinolaryngology were moved to the Asahi-machi Campus.昭和31年4月整形外科学増設Apr. 1956Orthopedic Surgery was established.昭和33年10月第一内科、第二内科及び事務部を旭町構内に移転Oct. 1958The First and Second Departments of Internal Medicine and the Administration Office of the University Hospital were moved to the Asahi-machi Campus.昭和35年8月第一外科、第二外科、産婦人科、小児科、皮膚泌尿器科及び放射線科を旭町構内に移転、中央検査部設置Aug. 1960The First and Second Departments of Surgery,Obstetrics-Gynecology, Pediatrics, Dermatourology and Radiology were moved to the Asahi-machi Campus. The Central Banking Inspection Department was established.昭和37年4月皮膚泌尿器科を皮膚科及び泌尿器科に分離増設薬局を薬剤部に改称Apr. 1962Dermatourology was divided into Dermatology and Urology. The Pharmacy in the Hospital was renamed as the Department of Pharmacy.昭和38年4月中央手術部増設Apr. 1963The Operating Suite was added to the Central Facilities.昭和39年4月事務部に部長制が実施され、管理課及び業務課の二課を置くApr. 1964The Administration Office was reorganized: The Administration and Services Divisions were established.昭和40年4月歯科増設Apr. 1965Dentistry was established.昭和42年6月麻酔科及び中央材料部増設神経科を精神科神経科に、産婦人科を産科婦人科に改称Jun. 1967Anesthesiology and the Supply Center were established. Psychiatry was renamed Psychiatry & Neurology, and Obstetrics-Gynecology was renamed Obstetrics & Gynecology.昭和44年4月順応内科増設Apr. 1969Adaptation Internal Medicine was established.昭和47年5月第三内科及び分娩部増設May 1972The Third Department of Internal Medicine and the Delivery Center were established.昭和49年4月集中治療部増設Apr. 1974The Intensive Care Unit was established.10月透析治療部増設Oct.The Dialysis Center was established.

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