
Student Life生活についてInternational Houses国際交流会館 International students, researchers and their family are eligible to apply.Room Type部屋Monthly Fee月額Number of Rooms室数Matsumoto松本Nagano長野Single Room単身室4,700 yen4,700円62 rooms62 室24 rooms24 室Couple’s Room夫婦室9,500 yen9,500円2 rooms2 室4 rooms4 室Family Room家族室11,900 yen11,900円1 room1 室3 rooms3 室 外国人留学生、研究者およびその家族向けの宿舎です。■Monthly Fee for International Students (excluding utility charges and other costs)寄宿料(公共料金等その他諸経費は除く)Single Room/ Bed Room (Matsumoto)単身室・寝室(松本)Matsumoto International House 松本国際交流会館Nagano International House 長野国際交流会館 Laundry Room (Matsumoto) 洗濯室(松本) Single Room/ Kitchen (Matsumoto)単身室・台所(松本)Lounge (Nagano) ラウンジ(長野)Japanese-style Meeting Room (Matsumoto) 研修室(和室/松本)Meeting Room (Nagano) 研修室(長野)Library (Matsumoto) 図書室(松本)Both Matsumoto and Nagano International Houses have a meeting room, lounge, and laundry room.その他研修室、ラウンジ、洗濯室などがあります。04Housing住居 Residents must pay additional fees of about 64,000 yen for common service expenses and other costs at the time of moving in. The amount applys for a single room at Matsumoto International House. (1 year) この他に入居時に共益費、退去時清掃費、町会費等約64,000円がかかります。(松本国際交流会館 単身室(1年間)の場合)31

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