
Nawate Street縄手通り Nawate Street is a little retro mall that has small restaurants and stalls, such as flower shops and toy shops. 小さな飲食店や花屋、おもちゃ屋などが並ぶ昔風の商店街です。 Having a lot of old storehouse-style houses, Nakamachi Street retains characteristic style of old Matsumoto town. 蔵造りの建物が並ぶ松本らしい通りで、観光客にも人気です。Nakamachi Street中町通りCherry Blossom Festival in Takato高遠城址公園さくら祭り More than 1,500 Takato-Kohigan-Zakura, the cherry tree well-known for its vivid pink flowers, cover the site of Takato Castle in April. 毎年4月に、濃いピンク色が特徴の1,500本余りのタカトオコヒガンザクラが、春の城趾を染めます。Crafts Fair Matsumotoクラフトフェアまつもと Crafts Fair Matsumoto is a field exhibition at the Agata-no-Mori Park in Matsumoto city on the last week-end of May which gathers about 250 craftsmen from all over the Japan since 1985. 毎年5月最終の土日に、全国から約250名のクラフトマンがあがたの森公園に集まり、 個性あふれる作品の展示を行います。Matsumoto Bon-Bon松本ぼんぼん Lots of citizens enjoy Matsumoto Bon-Bon on the first Saturday of August. More than 20,000 people come to have fun in the festival each year. 毎年8月第1土曜日に松本で行う市民参加型の祭りです。例年2万人以上の人々が夜の街に繰り出します。Lake Suwa Firework Festival諏訪湖祭湖上花火大会 This festival is an enormous firework festival in which 40,000 fireworks fascinate around 500,000 people at Lake Suwa on August 15th each year. 毎年8月15日に開かれる花火大会は、打ち上げ総数4万発、観客50万人というビッグな規模です。3

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