
Crop Science Laboratory The Crop Science Laboratory seeks improved production technologies for crop plants. Coping with global environmental change, reducing environmental load and efficiently using finite resources in crop production are important topics in crop science. Toward the improved sustainability and stability of food crop production for rice, soybean and common buckwheat, we aim at establishing cultivation technologies that strike a balance between reduced input of energy and other finite resources such as chemical fertilizers and sustained high levels of yield and quality. Improving the growth of crop plants under unfavorable soil conditions, ranging from arid to humid, is also an active area of investigation. Low-input cultivation and improved palatability of paddy rice A B C D A B C Culture test on fertilizer effect on rice (left), non-contact measurement of flower-bud temperature of common buckwheat (middle) and germination test of soybean under excess water condition (right) Field survey may be employed as needed (left) Microscopic morphology of soybean seed in regard to germination growth under excess soil moisture (right) Improved submergence tolerance in soybean Improved yield and quality of buckwheat through control of soil water conditions Bioresource Science Division Motoyuki HAGIWARA Professor, Ph.D. Aiming to enhance growth and yield of crops under unfavorable or low-input conditions necessary for improved and stabilized food production Keywords; rice, soybean, buckwheat, low-input cultivation, water stress 17 Weed Science Laboratory Osamu WATANABE Associate Professor, Ph.D. Profile : Experienced Gifu University, National Grassland Research Institute, National Agriculture and Food Research Organization Researcher. In order to efficiently produce crops in the field, it is necessary to find weeds early and appropriate management. Weed science laboratory is working on elucidation of physiological and ecological characteristics of weeds, analysis of distribution patterns, development of efficient observation methods in the field. In this laboratory, observation of communities by drone aerial images and measurement of photosynthetic parameters by chlorophyll fluorescence measurement are carried out in the field. Target plants are invasive native weeds and foreign weeds that affect ecosystems and agricultural production. •In order to efficiently investigate the distribution of invasive weeds, we developed the detection technology of target plants using the drone aerial images. •Chlorophyll fluorescence measurement for evaluating the photosynthetic capacity of weed communities. •Growth model of invasive weeds and elucidation of germination ecology. A B C D A B C 写真、図 Field observation with drone and chlorophyll fluorescence measurement device 写真、図 Growth of invasive foreign weeds, processing of drone images, estimated map of weed occurrence areas Bioresource Science Division

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