
Laboratory of Animal Nutrition and Feed Science Katsuki KOH Professor, Ph.D. manure composting Environmentally friendly feed Low emission Intensive and extensive animal production is believed to be one of the major contributors to environmental pollution due to excretion of large volumes of feces and urine containing environmental load substances, such as nitrogen and phosphorus. Our aim is to reduce the excretion of these substances by modifying feeding programs and their nutrient balance. In addition, we are developing a technique to reduce the environmental load of substances emitted during manure composting. Environmentally friendly feed A B C D A B C Mushroom cultivated on substrates supplemented with apple pomace and cattle feed made from their spent substrates International collaborative research project with Jambi University, Indonesia (Upstream and downstream strategy of ammonia mitigation in curtain-sided poultry farm) Bioresource Science Division Low emission manure composting 13 Laboratory of Animal Functional Anatomy (LAFA) Kohzy HIRAMATSU Professor, Ph.D. Morphology Histochemistry GEP system Endocrinology Autonomic nervous system Laboratory of Animal Functional Anatomy (LAFA) investigates the mechanisms of regulating food intake, the control of intestinal functions, and the roles of the nervous system in endocrine regulation by using immunohistochemistry at the light and electron microscopical levels, morphometrical analysis, biochemical assays in vitro and so on. The keyword of LAFA is ‘EAT’. The effects of nutrients, especially protein and amino acids, on the secretion of glucagon-like peptides (GLP-1 and -2). A B C D A B C Ultrastructure of endocrine cells in the chicken small intestine. Arrows indicate secretory granules. N: nucleus B islet in the chicken pancreas. B islet consists of many B cells (green) and some D cells (red). Bioresource Science Division The neural networks regulating the food intake in the chicken hypothalamus. The innervation of chicken and ruminant pancreata by the autonomic nervous system.

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