
47Department of Applied BiologyPursuing plant genome engineering and bio-refineries, from the cultivation of biomass to its utilizationUsing SDI and CSE vectors, I developed gene swapping and chromosome removal technologies. I apply these technologies to make highly efficient genome editing possible in a difficult crop of DNA recombination and tissue culture without leaving a foreign gene behind. I would like to make this highly reliable technology a worldwide standard.Professor Ebinuma took his current position on April 1, 2013, after working as the deputy general manager of the Energy Business Department at Nippon Paper Group, Inc. His areas of research include plant genome engineering for freely altering plant genomes and the development of a next-generation bio-renery for the biomass industry.Using SDI and CSE vectors that I developed, I am developing plant genome engineering technology that will enable the free alteration of the genome through gene swapping and chromosome removal. I hope to make this technology a worldwide standard.Outlook for researchI train my students to tackle research and development projects that meet corporate needs based on my own research experience in the private sector.Outlook for students after graduationCSE vector technology makes it possible to freely remove plant chromosomes. Swift realization of practical applications is expected as the resulting modied genome has great value as a breeding material.SDI vector technology allows insertion of a gene at a precisely targeted spot on a chromosome. It enables highly reproducible DNA analysis, and I am working to improve this technology and promote it as a world standard.Hiroyasu EbinumaProfessorGenetic exchange by SDI vectorRe-introduce the desired geneIntroduce the target geneExchangeChromosome elimination by CSE vectorRecombinationIntroduce the target geneEliminationChromosomeaberrationDepartment of Applied BiologyDeveloping the genetic resources of domestic and wild silkworms to make a brand of silkI am carrying out research into genetic breeding, ecdysis and metamorphosis, and the genetic relationship of the silkworm to its relative, the giant silkworm (natural silkworm). My lab cultivates excellent strains of natural silkworms in order to reinvigorate Japan‘s silk industry. This is done by supporting the raising of natural silkworms in silk-producing regions.Professor Kajiura's academic credentials are in agriculture, andhis areas of specialization includeagriculture and appliedentomology, molecular genetics. Keywords:D N A, bio-resources, breedingMy goal is to train new talent that can carry on the tradition of cultivating and producing natural silk. This will create a future, where the production of silk and other agricultural products is reinvigorated through a collaboration between agriculture, business, and industry.Outlook for researchGraduates go on to graduate school or work at textile and food companies, JA, or local companies. Some serve as middle school teachers and public ocials in agricultural studies.Outlook for students after graduationI succeeded in breeding the large wild silkworm. Standard wild silkworm are shown in the top row. The large wild silkworm is shown in the bottom row. I usually need more than 3000 cocoons of the standard wild silkworm to get 1 kg raw silk. However, I only need approximately 2000 cocoons if I use the large size wild silkworm.Cocoons and silk from natural silkworms. The cocoons take on a beautiful green color that is unique to Japanese cocoons.Zenta KajiuraProfessor

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