
―24―MedicalTechnologyCongenital abrinogenemia and dysbrinogen-emia are caused by genetic abnormalityWhen a healthy person bleeds, pressure is applied to the affected area until it nally stops by the activation of a blood coagulation cascade. “Fibrinogen” is a soluble protein in the blood stream that converts into insoluble “brin” and functions as a biological paste to prevent hemorrhage. Genetic abnormality of brinogen is classied as abrinogenemia and dysbrinogenemia. Abrinogenemia has been dened as reduced levels of brinogen, whereas dysbrinogenemia is reduced levels of functionally-determined brinogen. Our research is based on a sequencing analysis of patients’ brinogen gene with aim of clarifying reasons for the antigenic defect of brinogen protein or functional defect of brinogen conversion into brin.Patients with brinogen genetic abnormality display bleeding or thrombosis. The positions of the residues and/or the substituted amino acids causes the patients’ pathological condition. We believe that the progression of the research will lead to prognostic diagnosis to prevent the occurrence of these diseases.When we perform blood testing, there are some patients who demonstrate non-precise or aberrant value causing genetic abnormality. It is important to analyze the reason for the defect, and the manifestation can lead to the provision of comfortable and secure medical services.Biomedical LaboratorySciencesOutlook for researchOutlook for students after graduationGraduated from Tokyo University of Sci-ences. Worked as a medical technolo-gist at Shinshu University Hospital from 1982 to 1993. PhD from Shinshu Uni-versity. Appointed as Professor from 2002.Professor Nobuo Okumura Critical elements of the tumor and the non-tumor: fundamental differences explored from blood cellsDisruption in the balance of circulating blood cells sometimes occurs. Examples include anemia (decrease of red blood cells) or leukemia (tumor of white blood cells). In hematolo-gy and laboratory hematology, we contribute to the maintenance of human health through examinations of blood cells and the coagulation system, and diagnosis of hema-tological diseases and therapeutic interventions for these conditions.In our laboratory, we focus on leukemia of large granular lymphocytes (LGL), and analyze this disease from various aspects, including biological characteristics of the tumor cells, genetic abnormalities, clinical features and immunological complications. Our goal is to identify fundamental differences between the tumor and the non-tumor of blood cells.Graduated with a Ph.D from Shinshu Uni-versity, School of Medicine. Expertise in hematology and laboratory hematology. Main research areas are diagnosis and novel therapy for mature lymphoid malignancies.ProfessorFumihiro IshidaWith the introduction of next generation sequencing into gene analysis, the genetic landscape of tumors will be fully elucidated in the near future. Genetic abnormalities are also shown in non-tumor cells. What is the difference between tumors and non-tumors with respect to gene alterations? Paradigms are changing in the tumor genetics.For laboratory technologists and physicians working in hematology, it is still essential to understand blood cells under the light microscope even in the era of articial intelligence. To research the background and unknown aspects of these cells will lead to the future of medicine.Outlook for researchOutlook for students after graduationMedical TechnologyBiomedical LaboratorySciencesDNA Sanger Sequence; Fibrinogen Bβgene analysis.Upper: normal control, Lower: patientAn example of owcytometric analysis (left) and gene analysis with next generation sequencing (right) of LGL leukemic cellsAn initial step to know the abnormalities of blood cells: prepa-ration of blood smear specimen from a droplet of blood Large granular lymphocyte (LGL) observed with a light microscope (x1,000)Fibrinogen and peptide in CHO cells (non-reducing)Fibrinogen peptide in CHO cells (reducing)

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