
Environmental Symbiosis Science Division Laboratory for Forest Environment Koh YASUE Associate Professor Dendrochronology, Wood anatomy, Climate change, Radial growth, Tree ring Tree radial growth and climate change Tree trunk plays two important role in reduction of atmospheric CO2 concentration, 1) major sink of carbon in terrestrial ecosystems and 2) sustainable carbon neutral materials. We targeted on the relationship between climate change and tree radial growth that develops wood. Dendrochronology Tree ring is an indicator of responses of trees to environmental changes. We utilize tree rings for estimation of changes in radial growth to future climate changes. We can also reconstruct past climate changes using dendroclimatological techniques. A B C D A B C Estimation of growth changes of trees under climate change. Research activities of the laboratory members Wood anatomy and formation We focused on tree ring structures such as density, cell dimensions. Observations on seasonal radial growth and stable isotopes in annual rings can provide good information for understanding wood formation and environmental changes. Laboratory for Forest, Soil and Water Conservation Hiroshi ONO Assistant Professor Research Keywords; Erosion control, Forest hydrology, Physical properties of forest soil, Soil aggregate of forest, Soil and water Conservation The Laboratory for Forest , Soil and Water Conservation provides educational and research programs related to the public use of forests, prevention of natural disasters, water conservation, environmental conservation, and recreation. Forest, soil and water Conservation of mountainous area A B C D A B C Monitoring of runoff from mountainous watersheds The difference of structure of forest soil (left: single grain structure, right: crumb structure) The role of mountainous forests and soil in the hydrological cycle and water conservation The effect of aggregate development on physical properties of forest soil Environmental Symbiosis Science Division 29

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