
Laboratory of Agronomy Shigemitsu KASUGA Professor Research field Agronomy Breeding Science Research keywords; Sorghum, Rye, Wild grape, Pear, Strawberry The Laboratory of Agronomy conducts research on the breeding, cultivation and utilization of sorghum. We also conduct research on other field-grown crops in production at the AFC(Education and Research Center of Alpine Field Science)campus station including paddy rice, rye, fruit trees, vegetables, flowers and ornamental plants. Breeding, cultivation and utilization of sorghum A B C D A B C Breeding of sorghum and rye Breeding and cultivation of new wild grape variety‘Shindai W-3’ Breeding, cultivation and utilization of rye Breeding and cultivation of wild grape Bioresource Science Division Laboratory of Pomology Kiyoshi BANNO Professor from 2003 Pomology Growing technique, hormonal physiology, biotechnology and breeding of apple and pear. The Laboratory of Pomology conducts research on marker-assisted selection in order to efficiently breed new cultivars in pear and apple. We have released new apple cultivars with columnar growth habit of labor-saving architecture and red flesh trait. We also breed new pear cultivars resistant to several diseases. Our research activities are mostly focused on plant regeneration and genetic transformation using plant biotechnology, genetic mapping of apple and pear using their intergeneric hybrids and dwarfing rootstocks. Apple breeding with red flesh trait and columnar growth habit and genetic mapping A B C D A B C Red flesh apple cultivar ‘Haney Rouge’ has released from our lab (left) and marker-assisted selection of red flesh apple analyzing MdMYB10 promoter gene (right). Through pollination, sowing, growing and conducting research, we can create new finding and marvelous fruit. Japanese pear breeding to introduce new characteristics and genetic mapping Breeding intergeneric hybrids between pear and apple, and genetic mapping Bioresource Science Division Several sweets using red- fleshed apple. 16

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