
Phase Three Medium-term Goals and Plan (2016–2021)Execution Framework and Action Plan for Achieving Medium-term GoalsHeadquarters promotes PLAN the N.E.X.T as part of the PDCA (plan-do-check-act) cycleFaculty/Department Business Plan deployed as part of the PDCA cycle to link together faculties/departments and headquartersVerification and EvolutionFaculties/departmentsFaculty/Department Business PlanHeadquartersIncorporation into PlanIncorporation into PlanRedefining of MissionClarification of Strengths, Distinguishing Characteristics and Role in Society (2013–2014)PLAN the N・E・X・T 2016-2018Creative Knowledge via the Three Gs and Three LsNew Evolution × Triple G&L▶ Green▶ Local▶ Global▶ Literacy▶ Gentle▶ LinkageBasic University Management PolicyIn order to develop distinctive global-scale education and research, foster highly creative human resources, and sustainably and strategically contribute to the growth and progress of the local region and society within the timeframe set for Phase Three Medium-term Goals, Shinshu University has established the six key concepts—the three Gs and three Ls—of the Basic University Management Policy.“PLAN the N.E.X.T” clearly states methods that trustees and the vice president should employ, under the leadership of the University president, to fulfill specific Phase Three Medium-term policies. Under this plan, teaching staff  will combine their efforts in highly effective pursuit of the Phase Three Medium-term Goals and Plan.Taking full advantage of our refreshing, verdant, natural mountainous location in Shinshu—a location conducive to deep thinking—we strive to foster highly creative human resources. We also pursue research on environmental protection, symbiosis and so forth while systematically cultivating in our students and researchers an environmentally oriented mindset.Taking full advantage of our five campuses in four locations scattered across Nagano Prefecture, we contribute to local communities in unique ways at each campus and in each municipality. In particular, we aim to serve as a strategic cultivator of local communities, people and jobs for future generations.We strategically bring in international students while also dispatching Japanese students to overseas institutions as part of efforts to foster global-minded human resources capable of contributing all over the world. Moreover, we actively engage in exchanges and international joint research projects with foreign universities, research centers and other such facilities in an attempt to boost our research performance further.Our educational curricula equip students with knowledge in linguistics, informatics, history and various other fields, and foster abilities that make use of what they have learned therein. Furthermore, we engage in research activities that explain things previously unknown, create things formerly thought impossible, and otherwise lay the foundations for future generations.The most basic requirements for the human resources we cultivate as future leaders of society are kind consideration for people and society as a whole, and the ability to think about things in a refined, reasonable and composed manner. It is also important to achieve safe and trustworthy Shinshu University campuses that warmly welcome everyone, whether they are affiliated with the University and or are visiting from the outside.We strengthen collaborations between teaching staff, students and others in ways that transcend the boundaries of individual faculties and departments, and implement frameworks that enable education, research and social contributions from a wide range of perspectives. Furthermore, we strengthen collaborations between universities, research facilities and medical institutions both in Japan and abroad; cooperative pursuits between industry, academia and government which include various corporations, local governments and others; collaborations with members of the local region; cooperative efforts with Shinshu University alumni; and various other joint efforts in order to become a global hub for education, research and social contributions.[Three Gs and Three Ls of the Basic University Management Policy]Basic University Management Policy27


