
External Evaluation OrganizationAdvice/Periodical EvaluationResearch Center for Supports to Advanced Science (RCSAS)SupportInterdisciplinary Cluster for Cutting Edge Research(ICCER)Institute of Carbon Science and Technology (ICST)Center for Energy and Environmental Science(X-Breed)Institute for Fiber Engineering, Shinshu University(IFES)Institute of Mountain Science(IMS)Institute for Biomedical Sciences (IBS)The Interdisciplinary Cluster for Cutting Edge Research (ICCER) will expand Shinshu University’s unique research areas and create new approaches to the integration of different research fields.The Interdisciplinary Cluster for Cutting Edge Research (ICCER) was established to enable our resources to be focused on research fields that are unique to Shinshu University (carbon materials, energy, environmental science and materials, fiber engineering, mountain science, and biomedical science). We aim to boost our research and technological innovation capabilities by developing the research activity of our junior faculty members and collaborating with distinguished researchers from all over the world. We are confident that cutting-edge research and the integration of discrete research fields via ICCER will lead to the development of a Center of Excellence.Invitation of Eminent Visiting Professors from OverseasIn order to accelerate research with a global perspective, we intend to take the initiative in inviting Distinguished Visiting Professors from overseas to the ICCER. The objective will be to elevate the level of research through collaboration with these eminent professors, thereby bringing our research fields more and more to the fore.Establishment of the new Rising Star (RS) SystemWe have launched this system in order to acknowledge exceptional young professors as “Rising Star (RS) Researchers”. The aim is to train these up-and-coming RS researchers and turn them into true “Super Star (SS) Researchers”. Our promotion of the ambitious cross-disciplinary studies of these RS researchers will provide the strategic driving force for the creation of new academic disciplines and cultivate innovative talent for the development of core technologies.Unique Point 3 :Interdisciplinary Cluster for Cutting Edge Research (ICCER)10


