Research Seeds

PDF A Sports Medical Studies of Medical Checks on Middle-High Age and for Good Exercise Prescription

【Supercategory:7. DESCENTE SPORTS SCIENCE Subcategory:7.8 Vol.8

 Eleven out of a population of about 500 male Japanese older executives (lowest age 55) who have continued playing soccer since college were selected for comparison with Japanese norms on physical characteristics in order to answer the question of their health safety in playing a hard contact sport.
 Their average age was 60.5 years (range: 56-69). ECGs were recorded and cardiopulmonary functions measured during graded exercise testing on a treadmill. They were found to be superior to their age norms on the following: explosive strength, agility, muscle strength, maximum oxygen uptake (VO₂max was 35.6±13.8 ml/kg. min), maximum ventilation volume (VE was 103.2±21.1 l/min). Their flexibility and maximum exercise heart rate (164.5+13.1) were found to be at about normal levels.
 The exercise ECGs of 5 of the 11 players were found to be ST depressed and 2 others were found to have other abnormalities in their ECGs. However, none complained of cardiac symptoms before or during the testing. Echocardiograms were done for these 7 players. The results were within normal limits. Since the ECG abnormalities occurred only when their heart rates were over 140 beats/min the following recommendations were made: 1). Warm-up for 15-20 minutes before playing so that heart rate increases gradually. 2). Even during games keep heart rate below 140 beats/minute.
 For all older soccer players the following were suggested: play 20 minute halfs, use a small-sized ball, play on a grass or artificial grass field, substitute freely, and only play opponents of the same age.

Researcher Nozomu O'hata, Toshikatsu Shirahata, Terushige Kohno, Sho Onodera
University or institution Division of Sports Medicine, Health Science Center, The Jikei University School of Medicine


Exercise Prescription, ECGs