Research Seeds

Development of fibers capable of reporting time of use outdoors

【Supercategory:4. Techtextiles Subcategory:4.10 Other industrial applications

Here in the Gamagoori region, companies produce a variety of industrial-use textile materials such as rope and nets. It is essential that manufacturers be able to ensure the safety, security, and performance reliability of these products, which are used in a broad array of applications and subjected to an increasingly complex range of performance requirements. In particular, there is a need to be able to precisely identify when such products need to be replaced when used outdoors. The goal of this research is to develop textiles using commercially available pigments as markers mixed with titanium dioxide such that the marker will degrade and change color after the desired amount of time has passed.

Questionnaire 2014/Shinshu University Faculty of Textile Science and Technology Fii
Researcher Haruka Asano, Kenji Miura, Yoshihiro Sato
University or institution Industrial Materials Development Group, Mikawa Textile Research Center, Aichi Center for Industry and Science Technology
