Research Seeds

Development of summer textile products suitable for “Cool Biz” attire

【Supercategory:3. Textile Category:3.1 Fabrication Subcategory:3.1.1 Fabric

There is strong demand for the development of textile products for summer use in industrial areas of Bishu, where the woolen goods industry is a key driver of the economy. However, much remains poorly understood about how to achieve the sensation of coolness that is an important aspect of textile products intended for summer use, and the industry lacks sufficient product development capability. We are working to address these issues and to enhance the industry’s ability to develop textile products for summer use by focusing on material characteristics and fabric structure in an effort to clarify their relationship with this sensation of coolness upon contact and by studying the persistence of this sensation, a characteristic for which we have lacked a method of evaluation to date.

Questionnaire 2014/Shinshu University Faculty of Textile Science and Technology Fii
Researcher Daisuke Ikegami
University or institution Materials Development Group, Owari Textile Research Center, Aichi Center for Industry and Science Technology
