Research Seeds

Study on Characteristics of Bedsore Prevention Mattresses

【Supercategory:3. Textile Category:3.5 Kansei engineering Subcategory:3.5.2 Kansei measurement and evaluation

 In this study, we investigate the performance of the bedsore prevention mattresses on the contact pressure and tissue blood flow in the sacral skin of elderly adults. Additionally, we examine the relationship between the contact pressure applied on the sacral skin of elderly adults and the mechanical properties of the bedsore prevention mattresses.

1)Effect of bedsore prevention mattresses on contact pressure and tissue blood flow in the sacral skin of elderly adults and its connection with physical characteristics

Hirokazu Kimura, Takanori Yamamoto, Yoko Akiyama, Shigehiro Nishijima
Japan Society of Physical Anthropology, Vol.17 No.3 125-136,2012

2)Effect of Sheepskin for Prevention Ulcer

Hirokazu Kimura, Takanori Yamamoto, Mako Katagiri, Manabu Hirai, Toshio Matsuoka, Yoichi Matsumoto, Shigehiro Nishijima
Journal of Textile Engineering, Vol.55, No.2, 61-66, 2009

Questionnaire 2014/Shinshu University Faculty of Textile Science and Technology Fii
Researcher Takanori Yamamoto
University or institution Product Reliability and Human Life Science Section, Technology Research Institute of Osaka Prefecture


Bedsore prevention mattress, Contact pressure, Tissue blood flow