Research Seeds

Development of environmentally friendly textile products using cellulose material

【Supercategory:3. Textile Category:3.2 Dyeing Subcategory:3.2.1 Dyeing

Okayama Prefecture is home to a thriving textile industry that manufactures cotton-fiber jean products and other products using rush grass, a cellulose material, as a raw material. In this research, we are developing environmentally friendly, high-added-value products by utilizing jean products and cellulose materials whose manufacture does not require environmentally harmful substances.

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“各種草木染料のロープ染色特性”,國藤勝士, 松本侑子, 岡山県工業技術センター報告, 40, 36 (2013)
“岡山県の繊維産業とジーンズ”, 國藤勝士, 繊維製品消費科学, 52, 171(2011)

Questionnaire 2014/Shinshu University Faculty of Textile Science and Technology Fii
Researcher Katsushi Kunitou
University or institution Polymer Composite Group , Department of Research and Development, Industrial Technology Center of Okayama Prefecture


Indigo, Dyeing, Rope-dyeing, Jeans