Research Seeds

Selecting Heat / Water Vapor Property Test Related to Clothing Comfort for Cotton Fabric by Skin Model

【Supercategory:3. Textile Category:3.5 Kansei engineering Subcategory:3.5.2 Kansei measurement and evaluation

In order to determine the heat and water vapor transfer properties of various fabrics seemed relating clothing comfort, 14 kinds of fabrics made by cotton were evaluated using a skin model which simulating the human skin. The physical characteristics of each sample were measured by JIS. And the changes of a micro-climate, of a temperature and humidity, between the test fabric and the surface of the skin model were measured during experiment, which consisted of dry, sweating, dry again conditions.
The data obtained by skin model which considered to relate to clothing comfort and the characteristics of fabric were analysis by correlation analysis. As the results, the dampness showed high correlation coefficient with weight, thickness, air porosity, water vapor permeability, air permeability of fabrics. From these results, a high correlation between the index measured by the skin model and the physical properties value by JIS standard were found. And the prediction of clothing comfort from the physical properties of fabrics would be possible in this study.

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Questionnaire 2014/Shinshu University Faculty of Textile Science and Technology Fii
Researcher Takumi Yamada
University or institution Textile and Chemical technology Group, Tokyo Metropolitan Industrial Technology Research Institute


Clothing comfort, Clothing environment, Skin model, Transitional micro-climate, Heat/Water vapor transfer of fabric