Research Seeds

Development of test methods for color fastness to nitrogen oxides

【Supercategory:3. Textile Category:3.2 Dyeing Subcategory:3.2.4 Others

We examined a method for testing color fastness to nitrogen oxides. In the test methodology of Japanese Industrial Standards, sulfuric acid is dropped onto sodium nitrite which chemically generates the nitrogen oxide to be used. This method is hazardous to the examiners health due to the high concentration of nitrogen oxide which leaks into the lab. We examined two methods of supplying the nitrogen oxide via gas canister as substitute for the Japanese Industrial Standards. The first method involves continuously supplying nitrogen oxides into the exposure chamber from a canister. The second method stores high concentration nitric monoxide in the gas sample backing and injects it into the extraction exposure chamber using a syringe. As a result, the dispersion of concentration in the exposure chamber could be suppressed using the nitrogen oxides supplied from a cylinder to make a practicable, steady examination.

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(2) JIS Z 8722:2009;色の測定方法-反射及び透過物体色(2009)
(3) JIS Z 8730:2009;色の表示方法-物体色の色差(2009)
(4) 浦畑俊博:「保管時の染色物の変退色」,繊維製品消費科学会誌,vol.23,No.3,pp. 97-100(1982)
(5) 朝倉守,小柴多佳子,福島富子:「窒素酸化ガスによる綿−反応染料染色物の変色」,東京都立繊維工業試験場研究報告書,vol.40,pp.25-30(1993)

Questionnaire 2014/Shinshu University Faculty of Textile Science and Technology Fii
Researcher Akiko Okada
University or institution Textile and Chemical technology Group, Tokyo Metropolitan Industrial Technology Research Institute


nitrogen oxides, test method for color, test-control fabric, gus cylinder, Japanese Industrial Standards