Research Seeds

Development of Superior Women’s Inner Garment for Thermal Comfort

【Supercategory:3. Textile Category:3.5 Kansei engineering Subcategory:3.5.2 Kansei measurement and evaluation

 We investigated the influences of fibrous materials and the knitted structure of women’s foundation garments on the heat and water transfer properties in the test simulating insensible perspiration or sweating condition. The water evaporation rate (Wn) significantly increased for more highly hygroscopic and thin materials in the test simulating insensible perspiration condition. The larger area of water absorption (Ab) was associated with a significant increase in wet heat loss (Hws) and a shortened drying time in the testing simulating sweating condition.

Questionnaire 2014/Shinshu University Faculty of Textile Science and Technology Fii
Researcher Miyuki NAKAHASHI, Ryoji KANAMARU, Takeshi WADA, Harumi MOROOKA *1
University or institution Toyama Industrial Technology Center, Human Life Technology Research Institute, *1  Kyoto Women’s University


women’s foundation, moisture absorption-desorption, microclimate within clothing