Research Seeds

A Study on Compression-Recovery Properties and Compression Viscoelastic Properties of Fiber Assembly

【Supercategory:3. Textile Category:3.5 Kansei engineering Subcategory:3.5.2 Kansei measurement and evaluation

 In this study, repeated compression-recovery properties, compression stress relaxation properties and compression creep properties of twelve kinds of synthetic and regenerated staple fiber assembly for futon wadding use are investigated. The results of stress relaxation and creep behaviors of fiber assembly are analyzed based on viscoelastic theory. Repeated compression-recovery test and compression stress relaxation test are carried out using KES-G5 compression tester, and creep test is carried out using KES creep tester. The measurements are carried out under the standard condition (20℃, 65%RH) and under high humidity condition which simulates actual sleeping environment. The results of viscoelastic properties under high humidity condition are also analyzed based on viscoelastic theory.

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[2]Nakajima C, Yoneda M, Itoh Y ; J Text Eng, 56: 39-46 (2010)
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[4]Nakajima C, Yoneda M, Nishioka S, Miyazaki A ; J Text Eng, 56: 195-202 (2010)
[5]Yoneda M, Nakajima C, Yanagihara A ; J Text Eng, 58: 77-88 (2012)
[6]Nakajima C, Yoneda M ; J Text Eng, 58: 89-97 (2012)
[7]Nakajima C, Yoneda M ; J Text Eng, 60: 15-21 (2014)

Questionnaire 2014/Shinshu University Faculty of Textile Science and Technology Fii
Researcher Morihiro Yoneda
University or institution Faculty of Human Life and Environment, Nara Women's University


Fiber assembly, Synthetic fiber, Regenerated fiber, Compression-recovery Property, Compression stress relaxation, Compression creep, Viscoelastic model, High humidity condition