Research Seeds

PDF Synthesis and high-functionability of new bio-based plastics High-fuctionability of biodegradable plastics Structure analysis of eco-friendly polymers by synchrotron radiation Control of biodegradability

【Supercategory:1. Fiber/polymer materials Category:1.2 Synthetic fiber/polymer materials Subcategory:1.2.2 Renewable fiber/polymer materials

We study on eco-friendly plastics, namely
bio-based plastics, which are produced from renewable resources, and biodegradable plastics, which degrade in the environment. We are striving to contribute to the development of a sustainable society by conducting both pure and applied research into environmentally friendly plastics from a broad perspective that is informed by polymer chemistry, materials science, structural science, environmental chemistry, and green sustainable chemistry.

Questionnaire 2014/Shinshu University Faculty of Textile Science and Technology Fii
Researcher Tadahisa Iwata
University or institution The University of Tokyo Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences Department of Biomaterial Sciences Science of Polymeric Materials
