Research Seeds

SEIREN has developed ladies’ pantyhose with high deodorant effect. February,2014

【Supercategory:6. Products Subcategory:6.1 New products of 2013

 SEIREN has developed ladies’ pantyhose with hgh deodorant effect within the high deodorant underwear brands DEOEST. DEOEST consists of special ceramic nanoparticles, which adsorb and dicompose smell by metal ion. DEOEST is capable of dealing with various smells and its deodorant efffect appears within 30 seconds. The effect is retained after 100 washings, and DEOEST exhibits also anti-bactria effect. Newly developed pantyhose keeps the capacity of the deodorant effect of DEOEST, and suppresses the growth of bacteria and eventually the generation of smell in the high humid condition of a foot in the boot.

JCFA News Letter (No.7) February, 2014/Japan Chemical Fibers Association
Researcher SEIREN
University or institution SEIREN


lady's, deodorant underwear, ceramic nanoparticles, anti-bacteria