Research Seeds

Developing the genetic resources of domestic and wild silkworms to make a brand of silk

【Supercategory:1. Fiber/polymer materials Category:1.1 Natural fiber/polymer materials Subcategory:1.1.2 Protein fiber/polymer materials

I am carrying out research into genetic breeding, ecdysis and metamorphosis, and the genetic relationship of the silkworm to its relative, the giant silkworm (natural silkworm). My lab cultivates excellent strains of natural silkworms in order to reinvigorate Japan‘s silk industry. This is done by supporting the raising of natural silkworms in silk-producing regions.

FACULTY RESEARCH ACTIVITY 2020/ Shinshu University Faculty of Textile Science and Technology
Researcher Zenta Kajiura
University or institution Shinshu University


wild silkworms, giant silkworm (natural silkworm), silk, genetic breeding, ecdysis, metamorphosis, genetic relationship, silk