Research Seeds

Production of Functional Materials from Biomass by Using Only Water

【Supercategory:2. Fiber manufacturing Category:2.1 Special fiber Subcategory:2.1.2 Biofiber

Biomass conversion in high‐temperature water (HTW) and supercritical water (SCW) has been studied. HTW refers to water in its liquid state below its critical temperature and pressure (374?C, 22.1 MPa), whereas it becomes a highly compressible fluid called SCW above this point. We are also using a water jet machine for wet pulverize treatment of biomass. Water is the most environmentally benign solvent. The target biomass are wood (lignin), fish scale (protein), squid pen (chitin). For example, we are trying to produce chitin nanofiber from squid pen by a water jet machine.

FACULTY RESEARCH ACTIVITY 2020/ Shinshu University Faculty of Textile Science and Technology
Researcher Mitsumasa Osada
University or institution Shinshu University


water, biomass, supercritical water(SCW), high-temperature water(HTW), water jet, functional materials, chitin, nanofiber