Research Seeds

New applications of cross-discipline integrated textiles

【Supercategory:3. Textile Category:3.6 Cloth engineering Subcategory:3.6.2 Functional clothes

As we all know, textiles are not only used in fashion, clothing and home textiles, actually, they can be used in a variety of other fields too. In my lab, I conduct research to develop textiles with new functionality through construction design and process treatment of the textiles. For instance, hollow structure textiles can be applied in various areas including for cushion usage by hybrid with different resin. Moreover, self-cleaning properties of textiles are also studied to identify the effects of textiles on the property. My work also involves functionality prediction, such as water transmission along fabrics which can be applied to a CAD system.

FACULTY RESEARCH ACTIVITY 2020/ Shinshu University Faculty of Textile Science and Technology
Researcher Chunhong Zhu
University or institution Shinshu University


textiles, construction design, processing treatments, GPS antennas, three-dimensional fabric, sensor fabrics