Meeting Young Researchers


Tomonori SAKOI

Research Area:
Human-environment engineering, Heat transfer, Thermal physiology
Thermal comfort, Heat disorder, Heat balance, Human thermal model, Human-environment system
3-15-1 Tokida, Ueda-shi, Nagano-ken
Japan 386-8567
E-mail: t-sakoi[at-mark]

Employment Experience:
Jan. 2000-Mar. 2002:
Research Fellow of the Japan Sciety for the Promotion of Science(DC2)

Apr. 2002-Mar. 2003:
Research associate, Institute of Industrial Science,
The University of Tokyo

Apr. 2003-Mar. 2008:
Researcher, National Institute for Advanced Industrial Science and Technology

Apr. 2008-May 2008:
Contract researcher, Institute of Industrial Science, The University of Tokyo

Jun 2008-:
Contract assistant professor, Young Researchers Empowerment Center, Shinshu University

Mar. 1997:
Bachelor degree of Engineering, Course of Sanitary Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Hokkaido University

Mar. 1999:
Master of Science, Course of Urban Environmental Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering Science, Hokkaido University

Mar. 2002:
Doctor of Philosophy, Course of Urban Environmental Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering Science, Hokkaido University

Dec. 2000:
Award of (Japanese Society of ) Human-Environment System

May 2001:
The 39th award of the Society of Heating, Air-Conditioning and Sanitary Engineers of Japan

May 2004:
The 42th award of the Society of Heating, Air-Conditioning and Sanitary Engineers of Japan

Sep. 2005:
Encouraging award for presentation, the 28th Symposium on Human-Environment System

Sep. 2005:
The Best poster award, The 3rd International Symposium on Human-Environment System

Dec. 2006:
Encouraging award, Japanese Society of Human-Environment System

May 2009:
The 37th award of the Society of Heating, Air-Conditioning and Sanitary Engineers of Japan

Selected Publications:
  • T. Mochida, T. Sakoi: WBGT derived from Heat Balance Equation on Human Body and Its Characteristics —Thermal physiological meaning of WBGT proposed by Yaglou et al. —: Japanese Journal of Biometeorology 47(4), pp.139—148 (2010)
  • T. Sakoi, T. Mochida: Theoretical WBGT Heat Balance Formula considering Solar Radiation —Theoretical WBGT Heat Balance Formula including Gray Globe Temperature—: Japanese Journal of Biometeorology 47(2), pp.108—118 (2010)
  • R. Ooka, Y. Minami, T. Sakoi, K. Tsuzuki, HB. Rijal: Improvement of sweating model in 2—Node Model and its application to thermal safety for hot environments: Building and Environment 45, pp.1565—1576 (2010)
  • T. Sakoi, T. Mochida: Characteristics of WBGT equations based on heat balance theory —Significance of difference between original and derived equations for human body: Japanese Journal of Biometeorology 46(4), pp.139—148 (2009)
  • S. Zhu, S.Kato, R. Ooka, T. Sakoi, K. Tsuzuki: Development of a computational thermal manikin applicable in a non—uniform thermal environment—Part 2: Coupled simulation using Sakoi's human thermal physiological Model: ASHRAE HVAC & R Research Vol.14(4), pp.545—564 (2008)
  • T. Sakoi, K. Tsuzuki, S. Kato, R. Ooka, D. Song, S. Zhu: Thermal comfort, skin temperature distribution, and sensible heat loss distribution in the sitting posture in various asymmetric radiant fields: Building and Environment 42, pp.3984-3999 (2007)
  • T. Sakoi, K. Tsuzuki, S. Kato, R. Ooka, D. Song, S. Zhu: Study on Evaluation Method for Non-uniform Thermal Environment, Part 3—Expression of Thermal Comfort in Sitting People in Terms of Local Skin Temperatures and Local Dry Heat Losses, Transactions of the Society of Heating, Air-Conditioning and Sanitary Engineers of Japan, No.126, pp.1-10 (in Japanese) (2007)
  • S. Zhu, S.Kato, R. Ooka, T. Sakoi: Development of a computational thermal manikin applicable in a nonuniform thermal environment, Part 1: Coupled simulation of convection, radiation, and smith’s human thermal physiological model for sensible heat transfer from a seated human body in radiant environment: ASHRAE HVAC & R Research Vol.13(4), pp.661-679 (2007)
  • T. Mochida, K. Kuwabara, T. Sakoi: Theoretical Expressions of WBGT and Examinations of the Original WBGT from Standpoint of Thermo-Physiological Engineering, —Characteristics of WBGT for Outdoor Conditions, Transactions of the Society of Heating, Air-Conditioning and Sanitary Engineers of Japan, No.128, pp.1-9 (in Japanese) (2007)
  • T. Sakoi, K. Tsuzuki, S. Kato, R. Ooka, D. Song, S. Zhu: Study on Evaluation Method for Non-uniform Thermal Environment, Part 1—Human Subject Experiments under Non-uniform Radiant Fields, Transactions of the Society of Heating, Air-Conditioning and Sanitary Engineers of Japan, No.112, pp.23-32 (in Japanese) (2006)
  • T. Sakoi, K. Tsuzuki, S. Kato, R. Ooka, D. Song, S. Zhu: Study on Evaluation Method for Non-uniform Thermal Environment, Part 2—Thermal Manikin Experiment under Non-uniform Radiant Fields, Transactions of the Society of Heating, Air-Conditioning and Sanitary Engineers of Japan, No.115, pp.1-7 (in Japanese) (2006)
  • T. Sakoi, T. Mochida, K. Nagano, K. Shimakura:Characteristics and consideration of required sweat rate standard of the previous ISO 7933, Journal of the Human-Environment System, Vol.9, No.1, pp.19-29 (2006)
  • T. Mochida, T. Sakoi, K. Kuwabara: Theoretical Expressions of WBGT and Examinations of the Original WBGT from Standpoint of Thermo-Physiological Engineering, -Characteristics of WBGT for Indoor Conditions, Transactions of the Society of Heating, Air-Conditioning and Sanitary Engineers of Japan, No.108, pp.21-28 (in Japanese) (2006)
  • T. Sakoi, K. Tsuzuki: Brief overview of heat transfer on human body and human thermal model, Magazine of The Society of Air-conditioning and Refrigerating Engineers of Korea, Vol.34, No.4, pp.28-35 (in Korean) (2005)

Research Statement

  My research has two main objectives. One is to clarify the relation between the thermal physiological state of humans and humans’ thermal perceptions or thermal risk. The other objective is to evaluate humans’ thermal perception and thermal risk by developing suitable human thermal models to predict the thermal state of humans. On the basis of these researches, I intend to develop a reasonable thermal environment for developing a sustainable society in the future. Humans’ thermal risk and thermal perception are affected by many factors such as thermal radiation (e.g., solar radiation), humidity, clothing, air velocity, activity, and air temperature. On the basis of additional knowledge on humans’ thermal state involving thermal comfort (e.g., mean skin temperature of 33.5 ºC for a sedentary posture) and the combined effect of the abovementioned factors, we intend to develop highly reasonable systems for heating and refrigerating, which would reduce environmental loads.
  Thus far, on the basis of experiments conducted using human subjects in up/down, right/left, or front/back asymmetric thermal environments, our group elucidated the following local characteristics in the head and feet areas. Because of the high heat generation rate and high skin temperature in the head area, thermal discomfort caused by heat was closely related to the decrease in the heat dissipation rate from the head area. Because of a variable local skin temperature, thermal discomfort caused by feeling cold was closely related to the fall in the local skin temperature. On the basis of the experimental data, a comfort equation by local skin temperatures and local sensible heat losses was proposed for a human in a sitting posture in a nonuniform thermal environment. In addition, our group also proposed a new human thermal model. The model considers (1) the redistribution of body heat by blood perfusion, (2) the nonuniform properties of tissues, and (3) heat exchange by respiration. Three-dimensional (3-D) temperature fields and 3-D heat transfer inside the human body are analyzed using local inputs of air temperature, thermal radiation, humidity, clothing, air velocity, and metabolic heat production. On the basis of these outcomes, I intend to develop a new analytical tool to simulate a human-clothing-environment system on a PC; it would be possible to use this tool under both steady conditions in the sitting posture and nonsteady conditions during various activities.


     By utilizing the functions of clothing and the adaptation ability of the human body, I intend to achieve a safe and satisfactory living environment for a sustainable society in the future. In most cases, clothing is effective in controlling the microclimate around humans. However, existing clothing cannot control the microclimate around an area that is not covered by clothes. Then, it is difficult to improve the microclimate around the head area particularly in hot environments. Because of these reasons, I feel the necessity to appreciate the thermal characteristics and limitations of existing clothing and the adaptation ability of the human body. On the basis of the result of this study, I intend to discover new possibilities for clothing and the adaptation ability of the human body. Simultaneously, in the Young Researchers Empowerment Project carried out at Shinshu University, I desire to obtain a broad viewpoint that includes tactile impressions, mobility, economical efficiency, and the human-clothing-environment system. Then, in the near future, I intend to propose new values or concepts for clothing, textile, and so on, for the development of a sustainable society.