
an opportunity for future markets and technology for Japan. Such analyses led to both the MOE and MEXT initiatives. Both support those who have the ability to integrate their own primary skill and expertise with environmental and sustainability objectives. In Shinshu, the primary skill was business management; in Tohoku, science and engineering research. These have been shown as ‘T-shape’ leaders where the horizontal crossbar of the ‘T’ reects the knowledge and commitment to sustainability, overlain on the vertical bar representing each individual’s skills (Figure 1).So who were our students? At Shinshu, they ranged from nance to research technologists. Also we introduced a double degree which included some PhD engineers. At Tohoku, they were all masters or doctor researchers in a range of elds; as shown in Table 1.FIGURE 1 T-SHAPED ENVIRONMENTAL LEADERS (MOE, 2008)50


