
54Department of Applied BiologyStudying the capabilities and survival strategies of insects and leveraging them in daily lifeInsects are the most prosperous animals on earth. They employ artful survival strategies to adapt to the environment, and each species has developed unique features. I investigate attractive and useful capabilities of insects in order to leverage them to benefit our daily lives in the future. Insects are not completely different from us, a fact that is clear even if we only consider their morphology. Research into the special features of insects provides us with important clues to understanding ourselves as humans.Associate Professor Shirai took his current position after working as a COE special researcher at the National Institute of Sericultural and Entomological Science of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries and as an assistant professor at Shinshu University. His areas of specialization are biological chemistry and molecular cell biology for utilizing insects and insect cells.The picture to the right shows a green larva. In this larva, dye-binding proteins are stored in granules in epidermal cells. My lab is researching the mechanism by which these granules are formed. By discovering how that occurs, we hope to also discover a mechanism by which secretory proteins can be maintained within cells.Outlook for researchGraduates are active as researchers at food and pharmaceutical manufacturers and as public ocials.Outlook for students after graduationA dye-binding protein extracted from the dermal cell of an insect. The protein contains clues about protein secretion control.The green larva of the sweet potato hornworm, Agrius convolvuli, a large lepidopteran insect found throughout Japan.Koji ShiraiAssociate ProfessorDepartment of Applied BiologyExploring the undiscovered abilities of plants to tap their power to enrich our livesI am carrying out research into the numerous functions of plants. For instance, plants have the ability to attach sugars such as glucose to substances they produce, store them in cells, and then remove the sugar later when it is required. My lab is examining whether this function can be put to use in medicine through application to the processing of substances.Associate Professor Taguchi took his current position after working as an assistant professor in the Faculty of Textile Science and Technology at Shinshu University and at the University's DNA research facility. His area of research is applied biochemistry, specically enzyme reactions and DNA analysis related to the production of useful plant materials and their practical application.The plants we are researching have the ability to neutralize hazardous substances to protect themselves, and this ability can be utilized for environmental cleanup. By researching and explaining the power of plants, we can discover numerous capabilities that can be applied in our daily lives.Outlook for researchGraduates are employed by food companies and companies involved in analysis or pharmaceutical products. Many are also employed by agricultural companies.Outlook for students after graduationThe leaves of the mulberry tree contain a substance that is eective in lowering blood sugar. We are studying the mechanism by which that substance is created.DNA is extracted from the familiar green horseradish leaf, which contains antioxidants.A student analyzes the base sequence of DNA extracted from a plant.Goro TaguchiAssociate Professor

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