
Kansei EngineeringVisualizing flows of people, things, and information by applying network analysis to connections in textile-related industriesDepartment of Advanced Textile and Kansei EngineeringI am involved in using network analysis to visualize flows of people, things, and information in textile-related industries. For example, I view transactions between companies as networks and analyze them in order to ascertain which companies exhibit central importance. Based on that data, I am able to extract highly unique transactional relationships between companies.Yoshiyuki MatsumuraAssociate ProfessorAssociate Professor Matsumura took his current position in 2009 after working as a special researcher at the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, as a visiting researcher at Tokyo University, and at the University of Birmingham in the UK. That same year, he became a visiting professor at Soochow University.Analysis can be carried out using special network properties based on the results of this graph, which illustrates frequency ordered by the number of companies with which each company trades.Free software is used to display a transactional network linking 3,354 companies in the dye and nishing industry in 1998.I conduct research in order to support new business strategy planning through network analysis based on industry analysis, to establish new business models, and to achieve process innovation that utilizes information technology.Outlook for researchGraduates can choose from a broad range of future paths, serving as upstream process integrators, hotel or company managers, or bureaucrats; working for machinery, electric machinery, information, or systems companies; or continuing their studies in a doctoral program.Outlook for students after graduationKansei EngineeringAnalyzing clothing and textile products through computer simulationDepartment of Advanced Textile and Kansei EngineeringI am engaged in research that uses computer simulation to replicate clothing and the human body and predict and analyze mechanical and thermal phenomena. By allowing visualization of phenomena that would otherwise be difficult to observe, simulation is expected to contribute greatly to the design and evaluation of clothing and textile products.Yosuke HoribaAssociate ProfessorSimulating pressure applied to clothing makes it possible to consider pressure distribution from motion at the design stage.By combining prediction of the distribution of body temperature and air temperature around the body with such indicators as the predicted mean vote (PMV), it will be possible to predict the thermal comfort of clothing.Associate Professor Horiba, who holds a Doctorate of Engineering from the Shinshu University Graduate School of Engineering, took his current position in 2015 after working as an assistant professor in the Faculty of Textile Science and Technology at Shinshu University. He is primarily involved in research in kansei engineering, computational mechanics, and clothing physiology.If we can clarify the relationships of the physical phenomena that occur between clothing and the body based on sensation, I believe it will be possible to predict the comfort of clothing.Outlook for researchMost graduates leverage their knowledge and experience in textile engineering, computational mechanics, and computer programming to secure employment in the textile and IT industries.Outlook for students after graduation17

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