工学部 研究紹介_2018_英語版

(a) After 1 s(b) After 3 s(c) After 5 s(a) After 2 s(b) After 4 s(c) After 9 s(d) After 12 sAfter GraduationLeeLabHuman beings are said to spend over 80 percent of their lives indoors.However people are not very aware of the indoor air quality, because the buildings are increasingly airtight to save energy consumption in these days. There are major issues regarding the risk of air suffering health, providing adequate ventilation to ensure good air quality. To address these issues, we use experiments, measurements, computational simulations and other techniques to conduct research on the best approaches for healthy, comfortable and highly energy-efficient buildings.In addition, our studies are focused on the sustainable energy and building environmental physics such as ventilation, insulation, indoor air quality, energy audit, thermal comfort in the field of the architecture engineering.The building sector benefits most from improved energy efficiency because it is responsible for approximately 30–40% of total energy consumption in several advanced countries. Our laboratory try to suggest sustainable techniques to enhance the life quality in buildings and to combat global warming.Sihwan LeeAssistantProfessor(since2016)Ph.D. from University of Tokyo in 2011. The main theme of research is the building environmental physics such as insulation, ventilation, thermal comfort, CFD simulation in the field of the architecture engineering.Suggest sustainable techniques to enhance the life quality in buildingsStudents are not only expected to gain the knowledge in architecture environmental engineering, but also encourage students to think and act for themselves.ArchitectureIn the Futureunit:[mm]INDOORCORRIDORxyzDOORHUMAN-Contaminant distributionoccurred by swing door and human --Contaminant distributionoccurred by swing door -CFDsimulationwithdynamicmeshtechniqueshaveindicatedthattransienteventssuchasobjectmovementsplayimportantrolesinindoordynamicairflowsandcontaminantdispersion.The transport of indoor air pollutants between rooms is affected by the movements of humans and doors.MatsudaLabTherearemanykindsofwoodenbuildingsinJapan,forexamplehouses,schools,shrines,templesandsoon.Japanistheearthquakecountryandsoengineersmustdesignnewbuildingsthatcanwithstandtheseismicforces.However,traditionalbuildingshaveexistedforcenturiesthoughtheyarebuiltbasedontheexperiencesandskillsofcarpenters.Aretheyreallyearthquake-proofornot?Itisnotclearhowtheycanresistearthquakes.Itisexcitingtotacklesuchquestionsfromanengineeringpointofview.Thetraditionalbuildingssuchasfolkhouses,shrines,andtemplesareourculturalheritagesandarealiveevennow.Ourresearchwillclarifywhatmustbedonetoprotectthesebeautifultraditionalwoodenbuildingsfromearthquakes,topreservethem,andeventodesignnewones.ThisisanimportantsubjectforthefutureofJapan.MasashiroMatsudaAssistant ProfessorThe University of TokyoDr.Eng. (2006)Wood construction,Structural capacity ofJapanese traditionalwood buildings.Monitoring the seismic behavior of this traditional farmhouse with a thatched roof by strong motion accelerographs.Japanese Traditional Wooden Buildings to Resist EarthquakeStatic loading test of the wood frame of traditional construction houses in the Gasshostyle of Shirakawa-go.Byunderstandingthebasicbuildingstructuresanddoingresearchonwoodconstruction,youwillbeabletoworkactivelyinthefieldsofpreservationoftraditionalbuildingsandthestructuraldesignofwoodenbuildings.ArchitectureIn the FutureAfter Graduation66

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