
生命機能システム開発工学専攻の目的に則り、以下のいずれかの知識と能力を充分に培った学生に対して「博士」の学位を授与する。▪人間、社会及び自然と調和したシステムあるいはデバイスの研究・開発を自立的に遂行できる知識と能力。▪基本原理を深く理解し、これらの基本原理に基づき自立的に多様な応用研究を展開できる知識と能力。▪他者の考えを理解した上で自らの考えを主張できる協調性と競争性の均衡のとれた素養と能力。! DUMMY Not only to explore advanced, high dimentional functions of living creatures from their organic, cellular and molecular levels, but also to make research and education concerning bioscientic and technological applications.- Not only to explore advanced, high dimentional functions of living creatures from their organic, cellular and molecular levels, but also to make research and education concerning bioscientic and technological applications.- Not only to explore advanced, high dimentional functions of living creatures from their organic, cellular and molecular levels, but also to make research and education concerning bioscientic and technological applications.- Not only to explore advanced, high dimentional functions of living creatures from their organic, cellular and molecular levels, but also to make research and education concerning bioscientic and technological applications.ディプロマポリシーDiploma PolicyPure and Advanced Sciences of the Matter and NatureFunctional Molecules and MaterialsFundamental Molecular ScienceHigh Performance Materials物質解析科学講座分子基盤科学講座分子機能材料工学講座極限材料工学講座19202122Department of Bioscience and Food Production Scienceバイオサイエンスを基盤とした革新的な食料生産技術体系の確立を考究する。Research into the establishment of innovative systematized techniques for food production based on bioscience.生物・食料科学専攻生物・食料科学専攻の目的に則り、以下の知識と能力を充分に培った学生に対して、「博士」の学位を授与する。▪自然界の生物にみられる多様な構造と機能に、未知あるいは未解決の問題を発掘できる知識と能力。▪生命科学及び食料科学に関する的確な総合科学的思考力と創造力。▪環境保全に立脚した生物・食料科学の発展に寄与する知識と能力。 A "doctoral degree" shall be awarded to students who have fully enhanced any of the following knowledge and abilities in accordance with the aim of Department of Bioscience and Food Production Science.- Knowledge and ability to explore unknown or unsolved questions behind diverse structure and function of organisms living in nature. - Precise and comprehensive scientific intellect and creativity for bioscience and food science. - Knowledge and ability to contribute to the development of sustainable bioscience and food science.ディプロマ・ポリシーDiploma PolicyBiology and BioscienceFood ScienceScience of Food Resource ProductionScience of Functional Food Creation生物・生命科学講座食資源生産学講座食品科学講座食品創製学講座(連携講座)29293031


