Engineering-Research-Activity2016|SHINSHU UNIV.

Suzuki LabTakaomiSuzukiAssociateProfessorSurface Tension Measurements of Crystals and Thermodynamics of Crystal SurfacesEnvironmental Science &TechnologyMain subject of my research is “Measurement of specific surface free energy of synthesized of natural single crystals”.Before I move to ShinshuUniversity, I was studying molecular adsorption on activated carbon materials. Computer simulation of Monte Carlo method was used and compared with experimental results. One of my important works is quasi-symmetry structure of CCl4molecular assemblies in a graphitic nanopore[1,2]. I calculated the radial distribution of CCl4molecules, and predicted anusualstructure of CCl4molecules in activated carbon. This prediction was confirmed by measurement of X-ray diffraction experimentally.Since 2001 I started to study the specific surface free energy of single crystals. Actually, the idea of specific surface free energy is significant to discuss the morphology of single crystal. Especially, the grown length of.[1] T. Suzuki, K.Kaneko, and K.E.Gubbins, Langmuir, 13, 2545 (1997).[2] T. Suzuki, T.Iiyama, K.Kaneko, and K.E.Gubbins, Langmuir, 15, 5870 (1999).[3] G. Wulff, Z. Krist. 34, 449 (1901).[4] T. Suzuki, K. Nakayama, and S. Oishi, Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn., 77, 109 (2004).[5] Takaomi Suzuki, Haruka Takemae, Mika Yoshida: J. Crystallization Process and Technology, 3, 119-122, (2013)[6] T. Suzuki and M. Oda, J. Cryst. Growth,318, 76 (2011).[7] T. Suzuki and H. Kasahara, Cryst. Res. Technol., 45, 1305 (2010).crystal face is proportional to the specific surface free energy of the crystal face, and this relationship is proposed by Wulff[3] in 1901. Although the Wulff’srelationship was theoretically well known, experimental verification was not performed for a century. We (probably) first time determined the specific surface free energy of crystal experimentally[4]. In case of liquid, specific surface free energy is known as surface tension. The specific surface free energy of solid is believed to be impossible. However, the balance of specific surface free energy of liquid and solid face is known as Young’s equation. If we measure the contact angle of liquid on crystal face, we can determine the specific surface free energy of the crystal. The students of my group performed experimental determination of specific surface free energy of single crystals of apatite [5], ruby [6], and quartz [7]. We also determined the specific surface free energy of crucible materials for sapphire synthesis.ZettsuLabTheZettsugroup,incollaborationwithProf.Teshimagroup,focusesonthechemistryandphysicsofmaterialsforenergystorage,primarilyintheareaofall-solid-stateLithium-ionrechargeablebatteries.Ourgoalsaretoimprovetheenergydensity,increasethesafety,decreasethecostandimprovethecycleandcalendarlifetimeofthebatteriesthroughthedevelopmentofnewmaterialsandtherealizationofphase-interfacephenomenaforhighlyefficientenergyutilization.Spreadingthenextgenerationsmarttechnologiessuchaselectricvehicles,smarthouse,andsmartgridwillpromote“electriclife”whichconnectpeopleandthings,peopletopeople,andfinallyuptothingsandthingsthroughthevariousmediasociety.Webelievethatwecancontributetoimprovetheinfrastructureandthevalueoflifethroughtheinnovationofbatterytechnology.NobuyukiZettsuAssociate ProfessorHe completed doctoral degree in Tokyo Institute of Technology, and started to work as an associate professor in Shinshu Univ. in 2013. Hyperspace Control Crystalline Materials for the Innovative Energy Storage DevicesOurgroupmemberswillhaveexcellentopportunitiesformasteringnewexperimentalskillsandresearchstrategywithbroadviewswhatareneedsforbuildingacomprehensivetheory.Graduateswillplayanactiveroleasresearchers/engineersinvariousfieldsrelevanttoenergyconversionandmanagements.Environmental Science &TechnologyIn the FutureAfter GraduationSchematicillustration of all-solid state Lithium ion rechargeable batteries. Directly connected cells enable smaller cell-package and 7 times increase in the energy density. Wearedoingthesynthesis,structuralanalysis,andphysicalpropertycharacterizationofthebatterymaterialsusingvariousstate-of-theartequipment.63


