
Human beings need water to survive, but most of the earth’s water, including sea water and glaciers, remains unavailable for geographic reasons or unacceptable for use due to its physical properties. Sources of readily accessible fresh water, like groundwater and river water, account for no more than 10 million cubic kilometers of water, or 0.01% of the earth’s total water.In most countries and regions, tap water must meet stringent safety and quality standards, as it used for drinking and the sustenance of daily life. Even trace levels of toxins or odors in tap water are certain to generate anxiety and complaints. But water is also used intensively for agricultural, industrial, and other purposes – in fact, about 90% of all water use is accounted for by agricultural and industrial applications. This water does not need to meet the same high standards as tap water, which points to the importance of securing the water quantity and quality appropriate for the intended application.Balancing quality and quantity requirements


