
Department of Bioscience and Food Production Science31- Development of functional foods and pharmaceutical compounds- Biofunctional Chemistry of functional food and medicinal agent- Pharmacological function and clinical research of functional food and medicine✚機能性食品および医薬品の開発に関する教育・研究✚機能性食品および医薬品の生体機能に関する教育・研究✚機能性食品および医薬品の薬理作用と治験評価に関する教育・研究食品創製学Science of Functional Food Creation企業における機能性食品の開発の実状や製造に際しての問題点を明らかにし、その問題点の解決方法や特許等の法的問題を解決するための教育・研究を行います。Particular attention of this division is to educate and study on the evaluation systems for the existing situations and problems of development of functional foods in the company, and also on the technologyin order to overcome the various problems involving patents in order to produce functional foods.食品創製学講座(連携講座)Science of FunctionalFood Creation———————————————————————————————— (農)客員教授 大谷 敏夫————————————————————————————— (農)客員教授 吉田健一郎—————————————————————— (農)客員准教授 大家 真治————————————————————————— (Agr.) Visiting Professor Toshio Otani——————————————————————— (Agr.) Visiting Professor Ken-ichiro Yoshida—————————————— (Agr.) Visiting Associate Professor Shinji Ohie修了生の声Students Voice私は当時、機能や幹細胞の有無が明らかになっていないニワトリの骨髄細胞について研究を行いました。その中でニワトリ骨髄細胞が血管再生能を有することや、幹細胞様の細胞群が哺乳類の造血幹細胞と同様の遺伝子発現様式を持つ事を明らかにしました。これらの研究は非常に高く評価され、信州農林財団科学振興会賞の授与や日本家禽学会・若手シンポジウムで招待講演を行わせて頂きました。在学中は鳥類を対象動物として研究を行ってきましたが、もう少し研究の幅を広げたいと思うようになりました。そこで学位取得後は、研究テーマを変え、現在所属している自治医科大学、炎症・免疫研究部において、マウスを対象動物に生活習慣病における自然炎症の関与について研究を行っております。その結果、少しずつですが免疫細胞の制御で生活習慣病を改善できるような結果が得られています。いつかどれだけ肥満になっても健康を維持できる世の中がやってくるかもしれません(それが良いことなのかは分かりませんが…)。学生時代も現在も研究に対する気持ちは変わらず、苦しいこともありますが出したデータに一喜一憂しながら、刺激に満ちた日々を送ることができとても幸せです。将来的には学生時代に学んだ農学分野と現在取り組んでいる医学分野を結びつける新たな融合領域を開拓したいと思っております。I have studied on chicken bone marrow cells that might contained stem cells. However, the functions of the stem cells has not been clarified at that time. I clarified that the chicken bone marrow cells have an ability for blood vessel regeneration and the stem cell-like population have gene expression patterns which was similar to that of the hematopoietic stem cells in mammals. These studies were very attractive for me. The original results were evaluated very highly and lead to invited talk at the Japan Poultry Science Association-Promising Researchers Symposium. Also, the Research Prize from Shinshu Foundation for Promotion of Agricultural and Forest Science was awarded.After I completed the Ph. D. course, I have challenged to expand for new range of studies. Therefore, I changed my affiliation and studied at Division of Inflammation Research, Jichi Medical University. Now, my research projects were focused on the role of homeostatic inflammation in relation to the lifestyle dependent disease. Due to these results, it was clarified that the lifestyle dependent disease could be improved by regulation of immune cells. By applying this technologies, we could be more healthy even in obesity (I don’t know whether it is a good or not...).My feeling for the research life would not be differed from the student’s day till now. I am very happy to continue research life with suspenseful stimulation due to research data; although some times it may be painful. Hopefully, new research frontier that transdisci-plinary integrate agriculture & medicine could be open up depending on my studies.臼井 文武さん自治医科大学・助教(博士(農学))Fumitake Usui, Ph. D.Research Associate, Jichi Medical University


