(卒業生の皆さま for alumni)



 International Office 15th Anniversary Forum





こんにちは!いかがお過ごしでしょうか?お元気に、ご活躍なさっていることと確信しています。ご存知でしたか?国際交流室は15年活動してまいりました。最初の5年間は印刷版のNewsletterを発行していました。その後電子版に替って便利にはなりましたが、かえって記憶からもやや薄れている気がします。ここで、もう一度国際交流室の歩みを振り返り、活動が今後につながっていくことを期して、記念行事を実施いたします。内容はポスターとご案内をご覧ください。添付のReply Formにご記入の上、参加の有無を9月末までにお知らせ下さい。ただし、美ヶ原のホテルの宿泊部屋数に制限がありますので、土曜日のReunion Forumにご参加の場合は、早めにお返事下さい








Hello, Dr. Shindai:  Hope all of you are well and staying with vigor whatever you are involved in!

It’s been 15 years since the inception of the Shinshu University Med. School’s International Office, initially called the ISO and currently the OICE.  For the first 5 years I put out monthly newsletter in print, then it was replaced by the electronic version with occasional publications to respond to immediate needs.  Electronic medium is certainly practical and time-saving, but that also means whatever is distributed is not retained in our memory much. 

It is due time to reflect on its 15 year activities and think about what path we should take in the next 10, 15 years for the sake of the role of this office as well as for the promotion of the international exchange in our faculty.  Please refer to the poster below for the general outline of this event.  For more details, please read the pdf file inside.  We appreciate that you fill out the reply form to let us know your participation.  The submission deadline is set on the last day of September; however, due to the accommodation limit at the hotel on Saturday for reunion forum, your early reply is greatly appreciated.

Even if you are unable to get together with us at the venue this time, there is a way to join us for this special event. The OICE’s 5 year activity report this time includes a section called, “Message from Alumni.”   Just a short greeting, a talk about fond memories, what has become of you, cheers for your juniors or any thoughts you would like to share with others, etc., etc.  Any contribution from you is more than welcome.  Please do include your message at the bottom of your reply form and send it before September 20th.


                                                                                                        牧 かずみ   MAKI, Kazumi



                     15th Anniversary Reply Form


              Event Information